Trimmer Horizon HT-1000V


Untrimmed format Min. 148x105 mm; Max. 350x320 mm
Finished format Min. 145x101,6 mm; Max. 340x300 mm
Max. feed height 65 mm
Max. trimming performance 1000 T/hour

The Horizon HT-1000V three-knife trimmer achieves zero make-ready on book trim size and thickness changes. Well suited for shortrun production, and book of one production can also be achieved through barcode driven set-up.

Automated set-up – The HT-1000V is set-up automatically on the fly by reading a barcode at the entrance of the trimmer. The system also is capable of automatic set-up from the operator panel for same size production runs.

Variable size trimming – One-to-one book production with variable sizes can be produced. Both untrimmed and trimmed sizes can be variable for true variable format production.

In-line Production – The HT-1000V can be placed in-line with Horizon perfect binders to maximize finishing automation and minimize human operation error.

High Speed Operation – Maximum cycle speed of the HT-1000V is 1,000 books / hr.

JDF Workflow – The HT-1000V can be connected with the Horizon pXnet JDF workflow for finishing production efficiency and management.